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Creating A Backyard Playground: Design And Decor Tips

Backyard Playground Equipment — Rickyhil Outdoor Ideas
Backyard Playground Equipment — Rickyhil Outdoor Ideas from rickyhil.com


Having a backyard playground can be a great way to keep children active and entertained while also providing a fun space for adults to relax and socialize. However, designing and decorating a backyard playground can be a daunting task. In this article, we will provide tips and suggestions on how to create a fun and functional backyard playground that will appeal to all ages.

Backyard Playground Equipment

Choosing a Theme

Before you start designing your backyard playground, it is important to choose a theme. This will help guide your design choices and make sure that everything in your playground looks cohesive. Some popular themes for backyard playgrounds include:

  • Adventure/Exploration
  • Pirate Ship
  • Fantasy Castle
  • Jungle/Safari
  • Sports

Once you have chosen a theme, you can start selecting the right equipment and decor to bring your theme to life.

Pirate Ship Playground

Equipment Selection

When it comes to selecting equipment for your backyard playground, it is important to consider the age range of the children who will be using it. You want to make sure that the equipment is safe and appropriate for their age and development level.

Some popular backyard playground equipment options include:

  • Swing set
  • Slide
  • Climbing wall
  • Monkey bars
  • Sandpit
  • Trampoline

You may also want to consider adding some interactive equipment, such as a water table or musical instruments, to add another layer of fun to your playground.

Climbing Wall Playground

Color Scheme

Choosing the right color scheme is important for creating a cohesive and visually appealing backyard playground. You may want to choose colors that match your theme, or opt for a more neutral color palette that will allow the equipment and decor to stand out.

Some popular color schemes for backyard playgrounds include:

  • Bright and bold primary colors
  • Earthy tones, such as greens and browns
  • Pastel colors for a softer, more whimsical look

Whatever color scheme you choose, make sure it is consistent throughout the entire playground.

Backyard Playground Color Scheme

Decorative Touches

Adding decorative touches to your backyard playground can help tie the space together and make it feel more inviting. Some ideas for decorative touches include:

  • Outdoor rugs
  • Pillows and cushions for seating areas
  • Potted plants and flowers
  • String lights for ambiance
  • Artwork or murals that match your theme

Remember to keep safety in mind when decorating your playground. Make sure all decorations are securely fastened and do not pose a hazard to children.

Backyard Playground Decor


Designing and decorating a backyard playground can be a fun and rewarding project. By choosing the right theme, equipment, color scheme, and decorative touches, you can create a space that is both functional and visually appealing. Remember to prioritize safety and to have fun!

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