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Interior Decorating: Designing A Relaxing Brooks Barnes-Inspired Bedroom

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Introduction Image

Brooks Barnes is a renowned journalist who covers the entertainment industry for The New York Times. His home in Los Angeles, which was featured in Architectural Digest, is a blend of modern and rustic styles that create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. In this article, we will take inspiration from the Brooks Barnes home and create a relaxing bedroom design that reflects his style.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme Image

The color scheme for this design will be inspired by the natural elements found in Brooks Barnes' home. We will use shades of beige, brown, and green to create a calming environment. The walls will be painted a light beige color, and we will add green accents through pillows, throws, and plants. The bedding will be a mix of neutral and earthy tones, with a pop of color provided by a green throw blanket.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement Image

The furniture placement in this bedroom will be designed to maximize comfort and relaxation. The bed will be placed in the center of the room, with two nightstands on either side. A cozy armchair will be placed in the corner of the room, along with a small side table and a floor lamp for reading. A dresser and a full-length mirror will be placed against one wall, while a small desk and chair will be placed against another wall for a workspace.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options Image

To enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space, we will add various decorative options. We will use natural materials such as wood and woven fabrics to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Plants will be placed throughout the room to add a touch of greenery and help purify the air. Artwork and photographs will be hung on the walls to add a personal touch and create a focal point in the room.


Inspired by Brooks Barnes' home, we have created a relaxing bedroom design that combines modern and rustic elements to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options all work together to enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space. By following these tips, you can create your own relaxing and stylish bedroom that reflects your personal style.

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