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Interior Decorating Tips For Apartments In Melbourne

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Apartments in Melbourne can be both cozy and stylish if decorated correctly. Interior decorating is all about creating a space that reflects your personality and meets your needs. In this article, we'll provide you with tips on how to decorate your apartment in Melbourne to enhance aesthetics and comfortability within the space.

Choose a Theme

Choose a Theme
The first step when decorating your apartment is to choose a theme. Whether it's a minimalist, vintage, or bohemian style, it's important to select a theme that you feel comfortable with. A theme helps to create a cohesive look throughout the apartment.

Minimalist Theme

Minimalist Theme
A minimalist theme is all about simplicity and functionality. The color palette is usually neutral, with white and black being the dominant colors. Furniture pieces are kept to a minimum, and only essential items are included in the space. The aim is to create a clutter-free environment that's easy to maintain.

Vintage Theme

Vintage Theme
A vintage theme is all about nostalgia and classic style. The color palette is usually muted, with soft pastels and earthy tones being the dominant colors. Furniture pieces are generally ornate and have a traditional style. Antique pieces and vintage accessories are used to create a unique look and feel.

Bohemian Theme

Bohemian Theme
A bohemian theme is all about creativity and individuality. The color palette is usually vibrant, with bold hues and patterns being the dominant colors. Furniture pieces are generally eclectic and have a mix of styles. The aim is to create a space that's comfortable and reflects your personality.

Color Schemes

Color Schemes
Once you've chosen a theme, it's time to select a color scheme. The color scheme you choose will set the tone for the rest of the apartment.

Neutral Colors

Neutral Colors
Neutral colors such as white, gray, and beige are perfect for a minimalist theme. These colors create a calming effect and make the space feel open and airy.

Muted Colors

Muted Colors
Muted colors such as pastels and earthy tones are perfect for a vintage theme. These colors create a cozy and warm atmosphere that's perfect for relaxation.

Vibrant Colors

Vibrant Colors
Vibrant colors such as bold hues and patterns are perfect for a bohemian theme. These colors create a lively and energetic atmosphere that's perfect for creativity.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement
Once you've chosen a theme and color scheme, it's time to start placing furniture. Furniture placement is crucial as it can make or break the flow of the apartment.

Minimalist Furniture Placement

Minimalist Furniture Placement
In a minimalist theme, furniture should be kept to a minimum. The aim is to create a clutter-free environment that's easy to maintain. Place essential furniture such as a bed, desk, and chair against the walls to create an open space in the center.

Vintage Furniture Placement

Vintage Furniture Placement
In a vintage theme, furniture should have a traditional style. Place ornate furniture such as a four-poster bed, antique dresser, and vintage armchair in the center of the room to create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Bohemian Furniture Placement

Bohemian Furniture Placement
In a bohemian theme, furniture should have a mix of styles. Place eclectic furniture such as a low-slung sofa, floor cushions, and a vintage cabinet against the walls to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options
Once you've chosen a theme, color scheme, and furniture placement, it's time to add decorative options to enhance the aesthetics of the apartment.

Minimalist Decorative Options

Minimalist Decorative Options
In a minimalist theme, decorative options should be kept to a minimum. Use essential items such as a few books, a plant, and a piece of artwork to add visual interest to the space.

Vintage Decorative Options

Vintage Decorative Options
In a vintage theme, decorative options should have a traditional style. Use antique pieces such as a vintage clock, a brass lamp, and a framed painting to add character to the space.

Bohemian Decorative Options

Bohemian Decorative Options
In a bohemian theme, decorative options should be eclectic and reflect your personality. Use items such as a tapestry, a collection of plants, and a string of fairy lights to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.


Decorating an apartment in Melbourne can be a fun and exciting process. By choosing a theme, color scheme, and furniture placement that suits your style, you can create a space that's both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. With the right decorative options, you can add character and personality to the space. Happy decorating!
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